Friday, June 28, 2013

Your Guide to B.B Creams 2013

I know you have heard of them. This so called "miracle" cream that is suppose to solve all of your problems, and make you look like the beautiful model on the page right?

I have tried several now and I can honestly say, some make me look like that pretty model (plus 10 pounds) and some look like I ran to Walmart and grabbed some peach colored paint and went to town. Have you tried them? Do you know what BB creams do? Are they worth the money?

Lets first take a trip back in history. Class, take your seats. 

So B.B stands for "Beauty Balm or Blemish Balm. The cream was actually developed in Germany by a Dermatologist trying to a single product to multi-task by protecting and covering up a clients face after a nasty laser treatment. The trend exploded in the Asian culture, and they in-fact have been using these creams for years now! 

Back to the German dude, 
So with out him knowing, he actually came up with a solution that would solve the age old problem of "TIME AND MONEY". Most of us don't have endless amounts of either so lets take a look and see how much time and money we are actually saving with these BB 








Im no math wiz, but thats over $40 in savings!! For one product to do all of that, I think that speaks to value and in-fact will save you time and money! Not trying to be a used car salesman but that deal CANT BE BEAT!!! So which one is right for you

L'Oreal Studio Secrets Professional Magic B.B.Cream

This stuff is my #1 Favorite! It starts out white with these little grainy bits in it. Then it turns into your skin tone! Not only is this puppy sold at a great price, but its available everywhere! I usually grab mine at RiteAid when they are buy one get one %50 off.

Great for - Oily Skin/Combination Skin

(I would recommend going with one shade lighter then you think) I wear "Light" and if Im not some what tan, It it too dark!

Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream

I like this one if your face is feeling a little on the dry side, or if its winter. The coverage is actually a little more on the light side, so if you have an even skin tone and nothing to really "conceal" (know that we hate you ;) and that this BB cream would be perfect for you!

Great for - Dry Skin

(This does have a fragrance that is somewhat strong! The smell does not last long, but I know some of you may be sensitive to scents.)

L'Oreal Youth Code BB Cream

L'Oreal has made my top picks twice in this blog! This is a little bit lighter then the L'oreal Magic BB cream. This one still provides moderate coverage, and might be a better "every day" BB. This one also does cost a bit more, but I feel like its worth it. 

Great for - All Skin

(This does have a fragrance as well.)

Garnier SkinRenew BB Cream

Unfortunately this one was a bust for me. It was the first one I tried, but felt it felt to heavy for me, and also I didn't stay matte all day. 

Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream

This one was bar far the worst BB Cream Ive tried. Not only was it thick and heavy, but it was not easy to blend! I also noticed I would have to put a ton of powder on threw out the day to stay matte. 

PhysiciansFormula Super BB

Super Yuck. I have a love/hate relationship with this brand. This time, HATE! It just feels so cheap, almost like they used 90% Foundation and a tad bit of everything else that is suppose to be in a BB cream. 

My routine with these B.B goes a little something like this...

1.) Wash your face.

2.) Pat your face dry, and throw on your eye cream (YES YOU SHOULD USE EYE CREAM!!) And once that has dried. Apply your under eye concealer. 

3.) Grab your B.B cream and apply to your fingers. (Make sure your paws are clean!)

4.) Gently apply to your chin first with the dotting technique. and blend down into your neck. To see if you have blended this step correctly, grab another mirror and angle it towards your other mirror and check the line. 

5.) Next blend your cheeks. Make sure to move towards the side of your face and blend towards your ear and even a little around the back of it.

Next, tackle your nose. Don't use alot of product!! Just a little and blend it all over your nose and to the sides. Make sure with this step you blend just a tiny tiny bit into your eye area. (Just so you have a smoooooth transition between your eye concealer and your BB cream) 

7.) Last but not least, the forehead. I like to take the product on my fingers and make a line of dots across and then blend them into each other (The dotting technique) (This just makes it easier to blend. Rather then trying to blend out a line) 


8.) Now grab your mirror again and check your face all over. Make sure your face is all evenly blended. Your trying to cover up. Not cake on!

9.) Grab a big powder brush and your powder. Just swirl the brush, tap off the extra and do the circle motions all over your face. (This step is optional) but if you have oily/combination skin this step is a must if you want to stay matte for most of the day. 

10.) VIOLA! You pretty THAAANG you! 

(Doesn't this look amazing?! Yuuuummm...)

Check out these REAL results

Your results will vary based on the product you choose and your skin type. I would recommend you shop at Ulta or rite aid. These stores have a very reasonable return policy!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Bikini Trends 2013

Yep, It is. That dreadful time of year when you realized you should have passed on the Chinese food and worked out... no, like for "REAL" worked out!  -----------> 

Regardless of your shape & size, the new styles that are hitting the market will flatter you! (STILL!) For reals, once mid-July hits every store in New England some how runs out of all bathing suits. Like, NO ONE EVER NEEDS a friggen bathing suit in August or something.. NO NO! And no one EVER takes a vacation any other time of the year OH NO.

"Dear Walmart & Target,

Thank you for being the only store in November that has any form of a bikini. Even though it's the wrong size, only comes in two colors, and is from three seasons ago... props to you for allowing me to swim off season." 

***End Rant***

Fringe->  $10 on Ebay

Totally Love this look, especially for chicks like me who are not so blessed up top. Gives volume without trying to shove your boobs in a push up bra/bikini top (that clearly looks like a push up bra/bikini top)


But be carful!! Stay away from browns and tans or your going to rock a Pocahontas.

There are SO many colors and
Ive even spotted some cute ombre effect ones!

Crochet->  $49 Sears!

This style is perfect for the girls who dont want to settle for the typical "One Piece" solid suit they see everywhere.

I've see a few, and wouldn't recommend going with the "All Crochet" versions, but rather the normal suit with crochet over lining. (Because let's be honest, no one is going to wear a bikini made out of just yarn... Hello nipple?!)

This trend is still growing on me, 
for obvious reasons                                       

Thanks for the suit grandma!

Mix&Match-> Mix&Match at Target!

Nothing is better in my opinion, than sprucing up your old wardrobe with just a pop of color! 

My best advice for this look is to take a peek at a color wheel. Go with harmonies (analog) colors, or contrasting. Or just say "F*** it" and wear whatever colors you love. 


Retro-> Ebay! $85
I have to hand it to the pin up's of the past... they knew what sexy was WAAAAY before cut outs and low risers did! 

I have noticed out of all the trends this year, this is d
efinitely the most expensive 
of them all! Not sure why, but i'm guessing it's because not to many "name brands" are designing these this year? I did see a whole rack of these high waisted lovely's at Marshalls the other day! 


always go with the smaller size... 


    Do get measured...
trust me, just go to Victoria's Secret and have them do it!


       Don't Assume...

          There is nothing worse then seeing, 
               what you don't wanna see.

     Do Bring a friend... 

Preferably one not skinnier than you ;)

Don't wear these...

I know that every other       
Blog/Magazine is telling you 
these are like the "it" thing this      year... But please don't wear these weird ass graphic suit things.

(Truly, when is it ever socially acceptable to SERIOUSLY, not hilariously wear cat attire, except hello kitty cause she's awesome?)

Ice Breaker

Ok, So we have all come across a blog now and again that looks like it might be fun or interesting right? You read it for a few blogs... but by the end of the month your all... "STFU" right?! Hopefully mine does not turn into that.

 Im only starting this whole thing because it dawned on me that more then a few people ask me "Whats in?" or "What foundation do you use?" Why they think I know is beyond me... but surprisingly every now and again, and some how I always have an answer or two.

Now, I work 9-5. Have a child (and a husband which makes it like two kids) and I get it! Life is busy for all of us!! Who has time to know what the hell to look for when they are shopping next time?! Or if that new mascara really is as good as it sounds? Or even if neon is really still is in?

I've convinced myself I have answers to all of those questions and Id love to share and help you save time and money! 

Allow me to filter the T.V, Magazines, other blogs, youtube and what your friends say. 

(What do they know anyways!Leopard will always be in!!) 

So here it goes...

Do you work a part-time or full-time job?

Do you have the hardest job of all raising a family?

 Do you want to be up to date with fashion, makeup, hair, shoes and more without spending a fortune? 

This Blog is for you.
(I do not own any of the photo's on my website, and will try to site them to the rightful owner as much as possible)